Proper Usage #2

Security Boundary Every system has its own weakness and limitation. We can't build a total secure system practically unless it is on the shelve without any usage value. There is always the need to assess the risks to opt for optimal security controls. The key part is the "users" that they are expected to behave within the security boundary. Don't try to address ALL vulnerabilities because it is unwise and a never-ending story. Even if this is achievable, it is just a snapshot at a particular point in time. The proper approach is that Understand what are the inherent vulnerabilitiesWhat are the compensating controls surrounding the core system to reduce the likelihoodIf there are any alternate facilities to maintain the minimal business operations should bad things happen ...
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Vulnerability Management #2

Vulnerability Management or Scare Your Management Some cybersecurity practitioners conduct vulnerability management (VM) by just using automated vulnerability scanning tool (scanner) to uncover system vulnerabilities and then job is done. Even the worst, the scanner is placed next to the component using the target's administrative credential to probe. Raw results from the scanner is presented to the Management of vulnerabilities detected highlighting how many critical, high, moderate, low risks. This is a totally incorrect approach. The vulnerability scan is only the 1st step of the VM. The raw result gives you the worst scenario. It illustrates the system weakness assuming the adversaries have already gained the network access to that component by evading all the cybersecurity perimeter controls plus system privileges escalated. We must not forget the 2nd step is to evaluate if there are other controls (e.g. network segmentation, anomalies detection, system lock down etc.) implemented in reducing the likelihood of exploitation. This is...
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