Risk Taking #2 Each one is fully responsible for the consequence by own act no matter in physical or cyber worlds. In physical Tora! Tora! Tora! This historical event is unexpected attack. But in cyber world, unexpected attack is always expected. It ranges from threat actors The Forgotten Place #6 We are living in the cyber era. This is commonly seen. See previous posts for recommendations. The Forgotten Place #5 It is self-explanatory. There are similar faults posted previously. Risk of consequence must be understood before deploying information automation tool. Address There is a key difference between physical and cyber worlds. In physical world, addresses for non-military areas are public. You Security By Trust In physical world, we trust this glass roof is safe and secure to walk on because there are underlying processes Welcome When we establish usage terms, we must consider the consequence and adopt the most appropriate wordings. Similar to other system Time Time is an interesting phenomenon. It dominates everything both in physical and cyber worlds. All living individual or objects are Label Label is commonly seen and required to identify things especially in cables. Without proper identification, it will be tedious in Responsibility I saw certain cyber security awareness poster has stated that keeping cyber secure is a shared responsibility. In certain way, Search & Destroy This is typical blacklisting approach. Anti-malware protection is installed in the computer. It stays resident in the kernel and actively Fault Detection When using technology, usually there is inherent trust that the outcome is correct because it has been tested before going 1 2 3 … 22 Next »