In physical world, we trust this glass roof is safe and secure to walk on because there are underlying processes to sustain its safety:
Regular inspection and maintenance
Regulatory requirement for license issue and renewal
3rd party insurance etc.
In addition in building this infrastructure, the design will cater for the intended loading with safety margin, wind speed, anchor points stability plus build it per engineering standard to ascertain the quality. We will therefore have no doubt and trust these arrangements are in place and safely step on it.
In cyber world, things are different. There might be cybersecurity standards as foundation but the design and build will require competent practitioners. Even there is comprehensive verification tests before commissioning, there are always new cyber threats requiring recurring effort to sustain the protection effectiveness. Deception to lurk victim into malicious web site to compromise the device or application will further complicate the situation.
Then, how do we stay secure in the cyber world? It's a very...