Expect the Unexpected

The network anomalies detection suddenly becomes a popular topic in cyber protection market.  This is to expect something unexpected then manage it, i.e. deviation from normal. At a glance it appears as an amazing technology: no more signature based detection, no need to update detection definition, deploy and forget solution. But if you think deeper, the technology needs a time period to learn your environment as baseline.  Any deviations from this baseline will be treated as the "unexpected". The challenges are: How do you know if current network traffic is normal but not already compromised How much time is sufficient to establish the baseline in order to reduce false negatives or false positives to acceptable trusted level? How about traffic that disappears from baseline, is the technology able to report? Seasonal network traffic will further add complication Is the technology that vendor claims only able to handle specific scenarios? Does the vendor need extensive time to learn your environment? Last but not least,...
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