Return On Investment (ROI) is the typical approach to justify the spending to acquire asset. For the sample solar renewable energy illustrated, this is simple: One-off cost like equipment purchase & installation Recurring cost like maintenance, insurance, administrative (if trading to grid is involved) In a 5 or 10 years total cost model, how much energy charges could be saved, or how much revenue is generated if energy is sold back to the grid vs how much expense to paid. However, there are risks that might affect the net gain: Sufficiency of sun light intensity Weather condition at the location Physical security of equipment against theft or sabotage In cyber protection technology, stake holders normally expect cyber-security is the baseline and integrated with the asset. Adding extra cost won't be seen as ROI.  A slightly adjusted model is to calculate the avoidance cost of a single cyber-security incident vs investment.  Therefore, the justification is to be: If we invest $X, then we could avoid spending...
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Network exists in both physical and cyber worlds. Both have physical portion and content portion. Even in cyber perspective, both the physical media and the info exchange are required to protect but most focus is on the content part. If the adversary is able to access network equipment physically, then all those secured configuration will become insecure. Therefore, in any security assessment, physical aspect must not be forgotten....
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Born or Made

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities are broadly categorized into 2 types: [a] Inherent weakness in the component, protocol (e.g. PLC, ftp) that is insecure by design [b] Improper deployment causes a secure component (e.g. FIPS-140-2 Level-4 certified crypto module) into insecure due to lack the required surrounding elements (likely broken business process or human negligence) Type [a] can be overcome at time of procurement to specify requirement. Type [b] can be identified via vulnerability assessment of the deployed solution in people, process and technology perspectives...
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