Choke Point

In physical world, it is a geographical critical and strategic passage. Armed force is able to control what is allowed and what is not for passing thru. In cyber world, similar concept is deployed in network perimeter controlling data traffic what is allowed and what is not in reaching the destination node(s). Source ports don't matter. The camera aperture is the good metaphor. Light sources don't matter. What matter is to control the incoming lights from whatever directions to reach the camera senor for composing an ideal photo. I came across a cybersecurity practitioner who is so innovative to request controls of the network source ports in the firewall as well. This involves application logic and configuration changes yet the effectiveness to enhance cybersecurity is really in doubt. ...
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DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ)

DMZ becomes the de facto standard for network segmentation. It is used to control network traffic across trust and untrusted network zones. Network traffic is used instead of network connection because the latter is not precise. A network cable is connected across components but what does matter is the traffic flowing thru. The network zoning is typically implemented by network firewall. More functions like anti-malware protection, site filtering, application requests screening are adding to the network firewall making it the so-called next generation (NG) firewall. To enhance customer confidence, there are 3rd party accredition for firewall cybersecurity. No matter how secure the component is manufactured and deployed, the important aspects to maintain a secure network perimeter are: Proper design, i.e. placing the firewall(s) at the correct network nodeProper configuration, i.e. device management and least privilege firewall rulesPeriodic assessment, i.e. validate if the configuration is still valid (don't retain the associated firewall rules when system has retired)Proper maintenance, i.e. update firmware...
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Blind Spot

Can the bird be detected? When designing controls, we must understand what to protect. There might be blind spot that the intended controls are ineffective or even void. For inherent design weakness, retrofit would be costly and sometimes not possible without rebuilt from scratch. As a good practice, a design review to assess the control effectiveness before build will avoid such pitfall. Either a peer review or engaging independent subject matter expert will help to spot weakness with fresh eyes. ...
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Distance #2

Keeping distance on the road avoids accidents causing injuiry or fatality due to sudden situation changes. Keeping social distance avoids pandemic spreading among group of people. Similarly, keeping network distance will be cyber safer as it makes cyber attack harder. Network distance is established via defence layers between untrusted network and the target resources so as to drop or neutralize unintended traffic. The more layers, the more network distance that network traffic has to go thru to reach the destination. Layers, for example, are: Network perimeter (firewall, proxy, IPS, IDS)Application gateway (reverse proxy, DPI)Platform hardening (folder permissiom, white list/black list, no unused modules nor system sevices)System application hardening (change default setting, deny unauthenticated request)Business application hardening (observe good coding practices) While adding layers, don't forget to assess if network latency will be introduced affecting specific applications. Last but not least, all these layers shall have latest version and apply least privilege to combat threat actors as much as possible. ...
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Visibility #3

Below the iceberg, there is a large portion that is out of sight. That's why it is dangerous for vessels when approaching an iceberg. You need to keep a safe distance from it to avoid hitting it. The iceberg is often used to illustrate the dark web. The visible part is WWW (World Wide Web), below is the deep web then further down the dark web. The general perception on dark web is bad or associated with cyber criminals. However like penetration test tools, the tools can be misused to attack other computers but also to serve as a means to uncover infrastructure weakness for cybersecurity enhancement. The difference is between unauthorized and authorized intention. In the case of dark web, the usefulness might be Understand how the underground market business model operate, what are on sales such that you will revisit how to secure these cyber assets in your own environmentUncover if your or corporate information is there for sales ...
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Design & Build #2

A deployed function looks not elegant. Is this due to design problem, or deployment is not in accordance to the design? Fixing it will be costly without retrofit. Similarly, this happens to cyber protection. Protection effectiveness will be degraded or even none if improper design, or incorrectly deployed. To address this pitfall, comprehensive assessment from design, configuration check before commissioning and regular health check at O&M stage are necessary. Even if the system has not been changed, the external threat landscape has evolved and need to strengthen control to protect. ...
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Access Control #3

Controlling cyber (or network) access is always a main concern to limit threat vectors for lateral movement once they have gained a stepping stone within the infrastructure. The physical access aspect must not be forgotten. No matter how sophiscated controls are implemented and in place, if the core equipment is exposed to access at wish, this will defeat all these cyber controls. Bear in mind that all controls are to defer the access as much as possible. There is no bullet proof solution. A comprehensive risk assessment against the target of evaluation is very important to develop effective compensating controls. ...
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Privacy is a major concern nowadays. Sensitive info need to be tokenized or masked while leaving functional info unchanged during business analytic or conducting system tests. Nevertheless, a function might be uniquely provided by a particular individual within the information sample. In this case, even if the identity is masked, the functional aspect can also traced back to that particular individual. This is something like weak hashing function subject to reversible attack. This is the situation to watch out and need to voice out the limitation to data subject and data owner. ...
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Life Cycle Management #2

Like in physical world, automation components do have life time. Example is mechanical attributes of traditional hard disk drive, they are also subject to wear-and-tear during operating life. Storage technology now uses solid state without mechanical portion, we must not forget the underlying platform and applications. Apparently they won't have wear-and-tear operating condition, but the advancement of technology adoption will introduce obsolescence of the platform and applications. From vendors perspective, they will retire products not longer fit for purposes in the market and therefore drop resources to support. Hence, even if your automation components are still operating with minimal wear and tear condition, these components will still need to be refreshed for new version, bugs / vulnerabilities fixed, continuous vendor support in order to maintain the business outcome. Proper life cycle management of the ICT/ICS components cannot be overlooked. ...
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Keeping social distance is recommended to avoid virus infection of COVID-19 attack. Similarly, cyber distance takes the same concept to minimize or slow down cyber attack. The cyber distance is done by incorporating perimeters at multiple layers in network and applications. Don't forget the human awareness and usage behavior are the added layers too. ...
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