Full Coverage

Traffic camera is only deployed at risky locations to detect unsafe driving behavior but not everywhere This time, I talk about auditor instead of cybersecurity practitioner that I have come across. In an ICS audit, auditor has questioned why the deployed anomalies detection does not have full coverage of all devices. This will impose cyber risks due to malicious traffic cannot be detect early. Despite thorough elaboration with the following rationales, auditor is still not satisfied: The ICS is isolated from the Internet and not even any other peer ICSWithin the ICS, the plant units are further zoned in the network such that cyber threats are contained prohibiting lateral movement to compromise the entire ICSThe ICS is hardened with removable media lock downOutgoing process information data to other the repository in the ICS network is thru unidirectional gateway enforcing push out to avoid reverse TCP attack in the case of stateful network firewallFull coverage will have only very a small gain in detection capability...
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Seasonal Factor

There are network anomaly detection technologies to alert abnormal network traffic of potential cyberattack. The pre-requisite is let the technology learn the current network traffic pattern as baseline profile. Then anything outside this profile boundary will be treated as anomalies and triggers alert. It is a great technology - no signature or definition update for zero TCO maintenance. All are self-sustained. However, the key question is how long should the technology acquire the correct baseline profile? Some vendors claim just one or two weeks suffices. Really? Even with 80/20 rule, such short duration shall generate many false alerts that eventually affecting confidence. Realistically, duration in a year for setting up the baseline profile deems necessary to fully cover the normal traffic. After all, human perception especially senior management is important for successful deployment. A KPI dashboard shall provide visibility of the value of the technology. Last but not the least, network anomalies detection is just one layer of defense. We should strengthen...
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Broken Process

Secure process by design should be secure if operated according to prescribed scenarios. Passenger screening for human and hand-carried items before entering the departure zone deploys multiple means: Administrative: limited quantity of fluid and no sharp objects, Technical enforcement: human and bags scanning to detect violation If everything goes into departure zone thru this process, then exception can be picked up and assure the policy mandate. But what about supplies to the shops inside the zone? Do these go thru similar process? If not, it's backdoor and a broken process....
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Threat Hunting

Suddenly, new market jargon "threat hunting" is spreading around under cybersecurity domain. It is a kind of proactive measure to uncover if your environment has already been penetrated and critical info are being exfiltrated. This kind of exercise is best executed by 3rd party periodically, because: If this is due to insider threat, it won't be surfaced In-house workforce might have assumption for certain things that won't go wrong Periodic check is for assurance because the threat hunting only spots situation at a particular point in time and its past, it cannot predict the future A more holistic approach is to augment this threat hunting exercise with workforce and business process strengthening to identify vulnerabilities for effective risk reduction....
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Policies #3 (From Directive to Enforcement)

1. Use case Authenticate the user of parking is "Aliens" status, a yes/no decisionGrant usage durationDisclaim loss/damage responsibilities 2. Enforcement If yes: allowIf not: rejectIf violate: consequence 3. Somehow, vulnerabilities exist: Identity provider is compromised Method of authentication is circumventedResult of authentication is manipulatedBarrier to the authorized resource (parking lot) fails and being bypassed without authentication 4. Consequence: False negative: non-alien is mistaken as alien for fraudulent useFalse positive: genuine alien is mistaken as non-alien resulting into denial of service 5. Counter-measure: Protect identity providerSecure communication from end point to identity providerEnsure authentication result integrityConduct periodic system health-checkPerform regular patrol of parking lotPost terms of use and consequence of violation (e.g. tow away at vehicle owner's expense) ...
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This is a popular topic in Board Room too.  No matter how much cyber protection technologies are invested and deployed, controls always have insufficient coverage to deal with insider. According to PNNL Predictive Adaptive Classification Model for Analysis and Notification, it involves substantial data sources and derivatives to identify insider threats. This may be possible with big data but after all, who will watch the watcher? Source: PNNL - Predictive Adaptive Classification Model for Analysis and Notification: Internal Threat The line of defence shall be: Preventive controls as barrier (where technology is available and investment is justified)Detective controls as digital evidence (when events are reviewed effectively to identify offender)Administrative controls as management directives (when productive activities have higher preference over prohibitive measures)Corporate disciplinary process or contractual undertaking enforcement for offenderLaws & regulations as the ultimate deterrent ...
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The Past

Earlier, I talked about network anomaly detection. It is the kind of technology based on the past activities to predict if your network is healthy and normal. Key considerations to evaluate for deployment: The "past" activities must be correctly understood by the technology in the first place as the baseline reference Using a typical life cycle management concept, the algorithm must be intelligent enough to manage the entire suite of new, change, delete use cases of network traffic without too much false negative nor false positive Predict "new" traffic deviated from the baseline with different severity level per intention Whether the algorithm is equipped with deep packet inspection (or even better with machine learning capability) to inspect expected connections with different payload from baseline Report missing traffic from baseline that could be sign of malfunctioned field device(s) to the host or controller Challenges are: Competency and capability of the deployment team to understand your environment Criteria to sign off as project completion from...
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"Digital" tunnel is common in the cyber world.  The TLS (Transport Layer Security) technology is widely deployed: email server initial handshaking before start of communication, SSL (Secure Socket Layer, or https) for web browser to web server, VPN (Virtual Private Network) for point to point (or site to site) connection. All these are for the unique purpose - protect the sensitive information submitted thru untrusted network. Two key learning: Don't expect SSL is secure.  Some Internet gateway might have web-proxy in between breaking the SSL connection to intercept SSL for content inspection.  This happens in certain organizations, public free access points or regions with Internet control. Like firearms in the physical world, the usage of encryption (TLS) is a matter of for good or evil purpose: defensive or offensive.  It's the organization policies, laws & regulations to govern the proper usage. ...
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In cyber world, logging is fundamental to track electronic activities for problem shooting or digital forensics. With device proliferation especially in the IoT domain, substantial logging volume is generated making log review a hard time. The SIEM (Security Information Event Management) technology has surfaced to relax this tedious task.  It consolidates and associates event logs and picks out "interesting" scenarios for automated action or human alert. The challenges are: What types (or level, e.g. brief, detail, info, warning, critical) of logging are available and required: platform, infrastructure, application ... Context of log data: time of day, time zone, IP address, user identities, machine names, machine address ... How to ships the logs from different network zones to the central SIEM without breaking network zoning Clock source to sync across all these network zones Algorithm of event correlation (human define or machine learning) Criteria to automate alert with confidence (false negative or false positive will ruin the trust) Most importantly, logging must comply with...
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Mistaken Identity

This is to attack trust based on some one you know. In physical world, this is harder as you will recognize the person by appearance unless via impersonation like those in "Mission Impossible". In cyber world, email and social network ID are easier for spoofing, not-to-mention compromised identity are on sales in the dark web. Therefore, Part-1: protect your cyber identity.  Even if you consider such cyber identity doesn't harm yourself, it could cause collateral damage to those who know you Part-2: now, you are cautious about your cyber identity.  Establish preparedness to manage the situation when you suspect your cyber identity is compromised for malicious intention Part-3: from a 3rd party perspective, when you receive "unusual" request(s) from cyber identity for those you know or appeared as legitimate, validate their request(s) via other trusted communication channels (like phone call, or official web link) ...
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