When Internet is just launched to the consumer market, it's costly. Need to subscribe the service from your local Internet
No matter how the end point is secured, a careless end user will nullify all the deployed counter-measures like MDM
When you come across a free USB socket to charge your mobile device, will you trust and use it? You
Virtualization is great technology deployed in ICT (or even ICS). There are many merits for live system or application development
Technology helps avoiding mistake, operating continuously and enforcing certain outcome. However, technology is designed and deployed by human. There must
Yes, it is and mostly replaced by automation which is everywhere nowadays: Be seen like car park entry/exit control, house
In stipulating policies (written management directives), the hard part is in the language for having specific objective with flexibility and
Part of the critical infrastructure is in close proximity for public access. Two main types of attacks causing service interruption.
Like any types of tools in both physical and cyber worlds, this can be used for legitimate or evil purposes.
We are more cautious about warning messages in physical world to keep ourselves safe from risk of fatality. In cyber
Perimeter is intended to control and scrutinize access. Now, systems are interconnected and standalone system is no longer considered effective.
Heartbeat is required in resilience configuration such that primary and secondary devices are constantly communicating. A question for the reader: