Earlier, I talked about network anomaly detection. It is the kind of technology based on the past activities to predict
Everyday, we rely so much on automation ... be seen or behind the scene: rice cooker, temperature control of air
As if in physical world, mutual support and care are important to maintain safety in the cyber world. Unlike physical
Last article, I talked about PPTP.  With organization policies formally established, the next is the governance to make it work. 
People, Process and Technology (PPT) are always referred as the foundation in the cybersecurity community. Yes, they are. But without
No doubt, we do have deployed and sustained protection as counter-measure against cyber threats.  However, the cyber threat landscape is
"Digital" tunnel is common in the cyber world.  The TLS (Transport Layer Security) technology is widely deployed: email server initial
Clock displays time of day.  Time is invisible and exists virtually.  Everyone of us has the same amount of time,
In cyber world, logging is fundamental to track electronic activities for problem shooting or digital forensics. With device proliferation especially
In physical world, it is beautiful scenery.  In cyber world, Aurora vulnerability refers cyber attack resulting into damage of physical
Landlord: "Tell me your monthly sales amount." Tenant: "No way, this is confidential business information." With a little trick, such
Certain hotels provide safe for customers storing valuables during their stay. It is somewhat physically robust from brute force opening