Vulnerability Management #2

Vulnerability Management or Scare Your Management Some cybersecurity practitioners conduct vulnerability management (VM) by just using automated vulnerability scanning tool (scanner) to uncover system vulnerabilities and then job is done. Even the worst, the scanner is placed next to the component using the target's administrative credential to probe. Raw results from the scanner is presented to the Management of vulnerabilities detected highlighting how many critical, high, moderate, low risks. This is a totally incorrect approach. The vulnerability scan is only the 1st step of the VM. The raw result gives you the worst scenario. It illustrates the system weakness assuming the adversaries have already gained the network access to that component by evading all the cybersecurity perimeter controls plus system privileges escalated. We must not forget the 2nd step is to evaluate if there are other controls (e.g. network segmentation, anomalies detection, system lock down etc.) implemented in reducing the likelihood of exploitation. This is...
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Information Integrity #2

The missing Chinese character is "zero", this gives entirely different meaning. Disseminating of informative message appears does not have much of cybersecurity concerns. However, it depends on the usage purpose. If the incorrect information does not impose adverse consequence, then it only cause inconvenience to the target audience. But if it does (like sending out incorrect result of lottery draws, stock price, exchange rates), then the service provider has liability. Usually, a disclaimer is added to relieve the liability and using the service will constitute the acceptance of the usage term implicitly. Bottom-line is to have a comprehensive risk assessment of the digital solution or service offered to other parties. ...
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Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Firewall

No doubt, the technology is secure. But without assessing the situation holistically, this is inconclusive. Rulesets might be wrongly set or firewall is wrongly configured, then the DPI firewall is insecure. If the connecting components are in a restricted and lock down environment, a DPI firewall is overkill and won't contribute to enhance more security. By the same token, media always exaggerate cyber threats. We must judge if such threat scenarios are likely in our environment rather than blindly doing unnecessary lock down on existing systems. An example is the ransomware attack via inactive user account thru VPN without 2-factor authentication, or authenticated users via PrintNightmare exploit. Something must be done but not to complete today. Security enhancement must be assessed, managed rather than in a piecemeal manner. The latter might even create more problems after blindly applying the counter-measures. Remember - action without plan is nightmare; plan without action is day dream. ...
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Policy #9

When writing policies, positive logic shall be adopted. It eases readers understand what is allowed rather than spending time to evaluate the allowed exception. In the illustration, the first impression: no entry is applied to the named vehicle types and need a second thought to locate the word "except". A wrongly communicated message might then cause different outcome. This should be avoided in written directives. ...
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We have a lot of personal data exposed in the cyber world in our daily life. To name a few, the "intrusive components" are: Electronic pass for toll road: where you are heading to, or even your entire journey if throughout the itinerary, there are traffic cameras and auto toll collection pointsCCTV: inside building, public areas, dashcam in vehicles nearbyCredit card: traces back to your identify, location, amount consumed, commodity purchasedHealth monitoring device: you wear in your body to capture your health data continuously, share in the technology provider's community if you wishOperating System: sharing the diagnostic data with the technology vendor when problem occurs or during online trouble shootingWeb site cookies: IP address to geo-location of your web surfing location, your web preferenceDigital photo: modern cameras are equipped with geo-tagging The most intrusive device is your cell phone. You carry it almost all the time. It exposes your geo-location from which cell towers your phone is connecting to. What should...
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This is widely adopted in various process like: Asset discovery: to scan the network and take inventory of the components connected in the networkElectronic document discovery: to scan the network resources for automatic information classification and privacy complianceForensic eDiscovery: to collect cyber activities from the designated equipment uncovering the sequence of events No matter which application, the essential aspect is the correct use of the tool. Otherwise, incorrect or inaccurate information is captured that could incur undesirable consequence where decision will base upon. Training or certification for the competent person running the process will be the key. ...
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100% Cyber Secure #2

Worry about breaching GDPR or PCIDSS? The most effective means is to avoid capturing these info that need protection. Accepting cash addresses the problem statement. However, the restaurant must not forget if they accept reservation with name and contact number, then it is also a channel of GDPR breach. Accepting cash will introduce risk of being robbed. The is typical pitfall that most security practitioners overlook. Implementing new cybersecurity protection also incurs other new risks. Therefore, holistic assessment is always required in any business risk identification and mitigation. Further, a fresh-eye review is necessary to eliminate any "blind spots". ...
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Governance, Risk & Compliance

GRC is the typical jargon when we talk about the cybersecurity posture in an organization. Risks, no matter in terms of cyber, technology, operational, financial or political domains always exist and they are all co-related. There is no zero risk business operation except how to reduce the likelihood effectively and optimally. Then, the compliance part plays. This refers following the organization written policy to run the business reasonably in the risk reduction manner. Finally, the governance is the capability in the organization to adminster and enforce that all the business activities will follow the written policy, or else the policy is just a document in the bookshelf. The entire GRC framework is dynamce. Written policies will need refresh To adopt new way of doing business (e.g. use of social media for point of presence or customer relation in the cyber space)Facilitate changing business environment (say, work from home due to pandemic situation, provide guest Wi-Fi for visitors)And most importantly, address the emerging cyber threat landscape. ...
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Grade of Protection #3

The commodities (toys) are encapsulated in the vending machine (plastic containers). All containers share the same Point of Sales (PoS) device - the Octopus sensor. Upon successful payment, the outlet valve is released to pass out the selected item. You might wonder if these vending machines are securely protected as they are placed in open area and unattended. This is a typical scenario for cybersecurity practitioner in recommending business people the appropriate level of protection. There are CCTV in the arcade to record people accessing the vending machine. Physical brute force attack will be recorded. And for vending machine like this, physical is far more effective over cyber attack to collect the toys. Having recorded footage of physical attack won't be useful without the laws & regulations coming into place. The deterrent is that offender will be caught and prosecuted for criminal act. Last but not least, consider the total value of the commodities plus the equipment itself. If...
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Policy #8

We face many "policies" (directives) everyday - whether in real world or in the cyber space. And we are told to comply with these policies for keeping ourselves safe or secure in both domains. Sometimes, don't blindly follow the policy because policy makers could make mistake: lack of field experience, don't understand the subject matter well, having implicit assumption causing incorrect interpretation or putting something that is even not practically achievable. As an user, you need to think, contribute or challenge policy makers. There isn't perfectness in this world. Things always need continuous improvement. Policy makers are expected Solicit opinions objectivelyListen feedbacksResolve ambiguityAddress incorrectness If they don't, they simply fail. ...
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